Men’s Hair Removal & Grooming Trends 2024

Men’s Hair Removal & Grooming Trends 2024

Unless you like the hairy caveman look, chances are, you groom your body hair. An unspoken ethic, manscaping turned out to be a big deal for every man living in the 21st century and keeping up to its lifestyle. Manscaping is a humorous term that blends the words “man”...
Permanent Hair Removal Trends for 2021

Permanent Hair Removal Trends for 2021

What are the permanent hair removal trends for 2021 to pay attention to? As people come out of winter and prepare to get their vaccinations and begin socializing again this summer, the need for effective permanent hair removal methods is only going to swell....
Top Tips for Healthy Winter Skin

Top Tips for Healthy Winter Skin

At Electrolysis by Alison, we are happy to share our top tips for healthy winter skin. After all, for many reasons, this winter is likely to be more difficult on us all. But that doesn’t mean we have to allow dry or chapped skin to be one of those reasons. Whether you...
Skincare during the Wildfires

Skincare during the Wildfires

The west coast is on fire, and the air quality from Seattle to San Diego is suffering as plumes of smoke waft out to sea, affecting tens of millions of residents. The fires have displaced tens of thousands and killed over 35, with many people missing. If you are lucky...
Summer Skincare Tips for Los Angeles

Summer Skincare Tips for Los Angeles

Electrolysis by Alison has been operating for over eighteen years and in that time, has learned enough to offer some effective summer skincare tips for Los Angeles. In a summer climate like what is found in Southern California, it is important to customize your beauty...