New Normal, New You, New Body

Living In The New Normal

Vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic are being doled out by the tens of millions, and the United States is eager to, if not get back to normal, at least get ready for the new normal in 2021. Businesses and individuals alike across Los Angeles County are eager to put the days of stay at home orders behind them. Many have made substantial changes, either in their business model, or in their appearance. Electrolysis by Alison can help people looking to steal a march by investing in permanent body hair removal to get themselves looking their best.

Los Angeles is Reopening

Spring 2021 was the first season in a long while where it’s safe to enjoy spending time together indoors with people from outside your household. What is the activity you were most excited to resume once California reopened for business?

  • Dining in a restaurant: many people are excited to frequent their favorite LA eateries once they are permitted to seat people inside once again.

  • Going to the movies: not everyone is in love with spending $30 or more to watch newly released films at home. For many Angelenos, the experience of sitting in a theater and enjoying immersive sound and image quality is far superior, and hotly anticipated.

  • Working out at the gym: while gyms have staggered openings at present, offering limited access such as a 25 capacity, a lot of people are steering clear until COVID rates are crushed. For those who like to look their best at the gym, the need to get rid of unwanted body hair just became a priority again. 

  • Swimming: swimming pools will become safe enough to visit with widespread vaccines, and activities from swimming lessons to water sports can resume. Anyone who has been shirking their grooming now has the perfect excuse to step up their game with a new bathing suit.

  • Parties: whether for birthdays, weddings, holidays, or simply for the joy of reconnecting with friends, parties aren’t just a chance to catch up and also meet new people. They’re a chance to show off your post-pandemic look.

Where To Go with Electrolysis?

As the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine permeate Los Angeles, local public health officials will monitor infection rates and the impact on local health care facilities in order to judge whether additional advisories or guidelines for businesses and individuals are required. Can outdoor dining rules be loosened? Are schools safe to reopen? With the need for social distancing lessening, it will be possible for more people to emerge from their living spaces and cease working remotely. People will want to look their best as they emerge from isolation! Electrolysis by Alison is prepared to help with this. We can provide unwanted hair removal for a variety of different areas.

  • Face: if you have been struggling with waxing hair on our upper lip, chin, or brows during the pandemic, unable to go to your preferred service, you may be interested in electrolysis. Our precise treatment can isolate and disable follicles that are producing unsightly terminal hairs, a permanent solution to your problem.

  • Legs: preparing for the beach or the pool in the summer? Dermatologists advise not to use a public pool within several days of waxing. Electrolysis is a little more forgiving, and unlike waxing, once a follicle is zapped, it stays zapped.

  • Arms: the warm weather will mean bare arms, and if you want yours to look your best without effort, electrolysis is the best choice. Armpits, forearms, hands, fingers: electrolysis can help with all of them.

  • Chest: whether it’s an attempt to reduce your body temperature during intense workouts, or simply looking for a smoother feel, Electrolysis by Alison is well-prepared for removing chest hair.

Year-Round Pool Time in 2021 & Beyond

Whether you are raring to get back to your friend’s existing pool, or simply looking to join a new gym, club, or other organization with a pool, sauna, or spa, Electrolysis by Alison can make sure you will look your most stunning. Contact us through our website to set up your first electrolysis session and begin your journey towards your desired aesthetic.

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