There are a number of things that you can do prior to your appointment at Electrolysis by Alison. These will help achieve optimal results and keep you comfortable:
• Drink lots of water the day before and the day of the electrolysis session. Stay hydrated and do not drink caffeine the day of the electrolysis session. The better hydrated and more supple your skin is, the better the treatment will work.
• Eat a meal before the electrolysis session – Do not come hungry.
• Apply numbing cream (Dr. Numb, lidocaine, procaine, or EMLA) onto the treatment area 45 minutes to an hour before the electrolysis session. Apply thick layer and do not rub it in and apply cellophane or plastic wrap to treatment area. This assists the electrolysis treatment.
• Do not work out or go to the gym or exercise within two hours of your appointment at Electrolysis by Alison. Excess sweat can interfere with the treatment. It is best if the skin is not coated in anything, including deodorants, antiperspirants, or sweat.
• Any skin treatments including facials, microdermabrasion, skin rejuvenation treatments, or peels should not be performed within one week of the electrolysis session.
• Do not use Retin-A or any acne cream 3-5 days before the electrolysis session.
• Do not wear make-up, foundation or sun block to the electrolysis session.
• Skin should be cleansed the day of the electrolysis session. Loofah or lightly scrub the skin a few days before the electrolysis session.
• Do not pick at your skin before your treatment.